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"Assessment of the effects of using sex pheromone for control of the carambola fruit borer, Eucosma notanthes Meyrick"
作者 洪巧珍侯豐男黃振聲
花姬捲葉蛾(Eucosma notanthes Meyrick)為楊桃之重要害蟲,本試驗報導利用性費洛蒙以監測、大量誘殺及交配干擾法防治花姬捲葉蛾試驗結果。1990年至1992年間於彰化縣員林鎮及苗栗縣卓蘭鎮楊桃園以性費洛蒙監測花姬捲葉蛾族群發生情形,結果顯示兩地區每年花姬捲葉蛾族群密度之發生趨勢一致,卓蘭地區花姬捲葉蛾族群密度顯著低於員林地區者,於每年4-6月顯示較低的族群密度。1993年至1997年於南投縣國姓鄉楊桃園進行利用性費洛蒙大量誘殺花姬捲葉蛾試驗,結果顯示每公頃懸掛40-80個性費洛蒙誘蟲器長期大量誘殺花姬捲葉蛾,可有效降低其族群密度達平均誘捕蟲數為1.0-4.5 insects/trap/week,此與非誘殺區比較,密度降低率達75.5-89.4%,而誘殺區的被害果率僅為1.9%。順-八-十二烯醇乙酸酯((Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate,Z8-12:Ac)不同來源配製之性費洛蒙干擾劑,對花姬捲葉蛾之交配干擾效果無顯著性差異,網箱中含2對花姬捲葉蛾之交尾干擾效果較5對者為佳。於1996年至1997年間於卓蘭5公頃楊桃果園,每公頃施放53.28 g之Z8-12:Ac干擾劑,於5個月處理期間,其誘引抑制率達100%,綁線處女雌蟲及網箱試驗之交尾抑制率分別達97.4及89.4%;與農民慣行防治法比較,果實被害減少率達71%。
"The carambola fruit borer (CFB), Eucosma notanthes Meyrick, is the key pest attacking carambola fruits in Taiwan. Assessment of the effects of using sex pheromone for monitoring, mass trapping, and mating disruption of CFB was studied in the carambola orchards. Monitoring tests were conducted at Yuan-lin and Cho-lan areas from 1990 to 1992. The occurrence of CFB in these two areas was similar, showing lower population density from April to June. The population density in Cho-lan was significantly lower than that in Yuan-lin. Mass trapping was conducted at Guo-xing, Nan-tou county from 1993 to 1997. The density of CFB declined to 1.0-4.5 insects/trap/week when 40-80 traps/ha were used. The population density of CFB was reduced by 75.4-89.4% compared to untreated orchards, and the fruit damage was only 1.9%. There was no difference in the effectiveness of mating disruptants formulated with Z8-12:Ac from different sources. In order to control CFB by mating disruption, a 5- hectare orchard at Cho-lan was treated with 53.28 g/ha of Z8-12:Ac disruptants for 5 months during 1996-97. Percent inhibition of male attraction reached 100%. The mating inhibition in the cage experiment and in the tethered females testing in the carambola orchards was 89.4 and 97.4%, respectively. The fruit damage was reduced by 71% as compared to conventional chemical control."
起訖頁 57-68
關鍵詞 楊桃花姬捲葉蛾性費洛蒙監測大量誘殺交尾干擾carambola fruit borerEucosma notanthes Meyricksex pheromonemonitoringmass trappingmating disruption
刊名 植物保護學會會刊  
期數 200106 (43:2期)
出版單位 中華植物保護學會
該期刊-上一篇 高雄市菩提扁粉蝨發生之初探
該期刊-下一篇 樟白輪蚧(Aulacaspis yabunikkei)在樟樹上之空間分布及取樣技術




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