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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Professional Counselors as Guidance Service Providers in Junior High Schools in Taiwan |
作者 |
林家興、洪雅琴 (Ya-Chin Hung) |
中文摘要 |
本研究的目的在於從專業輔導人員的角度探討:1. 「國民中學試辦設置專業輔導人員實施計畫」的實施情況;2.專業輔導人員參與國中輔導工作的內涵和效果;3.專業輔導人員對「國民中學試辦設置專業輔導人員實施計畫」的檢討和是否續辦的看法。受訪者來自台灣省、台北市和高雄市參與「國民中學試辦設置專業輔導人員方案」的專業輔導人員共38人,分別進行三場焦點團體座談,訪談大綱由研究者根據研究目的所設計,訪談所得資料以現象學方法進行分析。研究結果發現:1.不同專長領域的受訪者認為「專業輔導人員」的職稱有待商榷,認為若能回歸各自的專業職稱,如「學校心理師」、「學校社工師」,將可以凸顯其專長與特色;2.職前訓練有助於專業輔導人員和學校輔導現況和需求的接軌;3.接受專業督導有助於維持輔導工作的專業品質,突破工作上的限制;4.台灣省與北高兩市的學校輔導資源過於懸殊。研究同時發現,專業輔導人員從事國中輔導工作的阻礙包括:行政事務凌駕輔導專業工作之上、專業輔導人員的角色不被瞭解和認同、行政主管反對專業輔導人員在上班時間參與校外的督導和進修活動、行政配合不足阻礙專業人員的功能發揮以及不易和學校輔導人員建立合作默契。專業輔導人員的主要成效則包括:提供不同的輔導理念與作法,促進校內輔導網路的溝通協調、協助學校人員提升輔導知能、結合社區資源與建立轉介網路等。本文最後並針對「國民中學試辦設置專業輔導人員方案」的實施情況提出檢討,並對青少年輔導工作的困境提出建議,作為中央及各縣市政府改進青少年輔導工作的參考。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of the study was to investigate the professional counselors’ experiences of their participation in a pilot project in junior high schools. A group of professional counselors with psychology and social work majors were recruited to participate in a two-year pilot project in selected junior high schools in 1997. A total of 38 professional counselors were invited to participate in three focus groups and to share their work experiences and difficulties. A semi-structured interviewing guide was used to solicit subjects’ personal input and interactive discussion. Qualitative analyses were applied to the collected data. The results of the analyses are as following: 1. School psychologists and school social workers are considered preferred titles for the counseling staff with psychology and social work majors. 2. Orientation training prior to job assignment is helpful for the pilot counselors to be familiar with the school setting and the needs of the students. 3. Clinical supervision is critical to the provision of quality guidance services. 4. The schools in metropolitan Taipei and Kaohsiung cities were found to have greater guidance resources than the schools in rest of the Taiwan. Work difficulties experienced by the subjects were: more clerical tasks than professional ones were allocated by the schools, their professional roles were not recognized by the school administrators, offsite supervision and in-service training were discouraged by the school administrators, professional counselors did not receive sufficient clerical support for their work, and more collaboration between professional counselors and guidance teachers was needed. The contributions to the school guidance services made by the pilot professional counselors were: providing different counseling perspectives, strengthening the communication and counseling network within the school, promoting the counseling knowledge and skills among the school personnel, and making better connection and referral between schools and community resources. The implications of the results and suggestions for future study and guidance reform are also presented. |
起訖頁 |
83-102 |
關鍵詞 |
專業輔導人員、學校心理師、學校社工師、焦點團體、輔導教師、Professional counselor、School psychologist、School social worker、Focus group、Guidance teacher |
刊名 |
教育心理學報 |
期數 |
200210 (34:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
以結構方程模式探討制握信念及社會支持在國中生壓力知覺的作用 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
心理治療者的反移情研究 |