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臺北教育大學語文集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Southern-Song Annotated Anthology Ershi Xiansheng Huilan Wenjian
作者 岑天翔
"Ershi Xiansheng Huilan Wenjian is one of the few extant Southern-Song annotated anthologies. Firstly, this paper investigates two editions in Nanjing Library and Tianyi Pavilion, and examines the annotations, commentaries (ping-dian), punctuation marks in the book, as well as the characteristics nature of the book as a reference book for the imperial examination. Secondly, this paper researches studies the characteristics of the selected works and commentaries of the book, and points out that this book tends to select works of the Southern-Song, especially the works written by Neo- Confucianism scholars, which reflects the situation that Neo-Confucianism culture had infiltrated into the selection of ancient works. The commentaries of the book are quite distinctive, mainly showing emphasis on the discussion of idea, emphasis on the text, structure and the method of writing, and emphasis on the use of words and the figure of speech. Thirdly, this paper discusses significance of the book. The book preserves precious biographical data and lost works of Song Dynasty prose writers. The commentaries of the book not only inherit the predecessors, but also have their own unique features, which has great significance in the development of the commentary on ancient prose and the prose theory. "
起訖頁 103-140
關鍵詞 二十先生回瀾文鑑南宋古文評點選本選文評點文章學Ershi Xiansheng Huilan WenjianSouthern-Song annotated anthologyselected workscommentaries(ping-dian)prose theory
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202112 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
該期刊-上一篇 似豪似狂是貫休──析論貫休「法華」入世精神下之詩歌及人格表現
該期刊-下一篇 柳湘蓮矛盾形象探論──兼論香憐為其脫化之寫




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