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How History Book Still Shows Literary Value: Biography of the Joseon in Records of the Historian and Its His Torical Commentary
作者 金宰亨
"The Biography of Joseon(朝鮮列傳) is included in the Records of the Historian(史記). The Records of the Historian was written by Sima Tan(司馬談) and Sima Qian(司馬遷), who were father and son relationship, also were historical officials in Han dynasty(漢朝). Because of his father’s will, Sima Qian started to have a vocation for writing history book like Chun Qiu(春秋). From a common-sense point of view, history book is not literary work. But the Records of the Historian is a unique history book because its literary value unites it and its historicity. The Biography of Joseon is comparatively easy to approach literary value. Firstly, the Biography of Joseon has a well-organized narrative structure, I call it as ‘Gi(起)-Seung(承)-Jeon(轉)- Gyeol(結)’ four steps. These steps give a tragedy beyond the visible texts. Interestingly, the narrative time and emphasis changed as Sima Qian thought it right. These features disclosed ‘get the flow changes in time past and present’(通古今之變) and the history book became hereby meaningful “literary work”. In the first part of the biography, Joseon’s leader was descended from Yan people(燕國人). It indicated ‘the great unification’(大一統). The final part of the biography showed unique ‘historical commentary’(論贊) because it was formed by a poem of four-syllables (四言詩). And this form looked like Sima Qian mourned for Joseon. The Biography of Joseon was based on historical fact. But it was not the total of these facts. Sima Qian used them as a medium for expression(借史事以明義). His expression has appealed to ancient and modern people, so we can call it as ‘a masterly view’(一家之言) on history."
起訖頁 35-65
關鍵詞 史記朝鮮列傳起承轉結論贊借史事以明義悲劇Records of the HistorianBiography of the JoseonGi-Seung-Jeon-Gyeol Four StepsHistorical CommentaryUse Historical Fact as a Medium for expressionTragedy
刊名 臺北教育大學語文集刊  
期數 202112 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學語文與創作學系
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