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The Off-Modern of Lyric as a Method: Taking Literature/Architecture's Text as Field and Encounter Theory
作者 黃資婷 (Tzu-Ting Huang)
2001年,俄裔美籍學者斯維特蘭娜.博伊姆(Svetlana Boym)在探討懷舊論著The Future of Nostalgia中,率先創造Off-Modern「離現代」新詞,之後Architecture of the Off-Modern(2008)、Another Freedom: The Alternative History of an Idea(2010)、The Off-Modern(2017)層層建構Off-Modern理論面,挑戰已典律化的現代性論述。Off-Modern發想於西洋棋「騎士」的移位形象化,其能動性打破主流、直線的慣性思唯。梳理Off-Modern方法論脈胳,不難看出博氏涵泳個人流亡經驗,提煉出「抒情」內核痕跡,見於文學再擴及建築,給出筆者「建築與文學於現代性走出歧路,於抒情裏合流」之視野。本研究以「抒情離現代」作為跨領域的研究方法,將博氏喻為「優雅的紅色時間之擺」的布拉格Letenské sady公園紀念碑節拍器視為重要隱喻──若將紀念碑作為文化記憶彌合相遇的可視實踐,則節拍器「將時間空間化」的特質,便起到彌合作用。本研究以節拍器為師,導入急板、行板、中板、緩板四種節拍,勾勒離現代框架下文學建築性與建築文學性超文本地圖,期對華文文本的現代性提供其他論述的可能。
"Svetlana Boym was the first to coin the term ''Off-Modern'' in The Future of Nostalgia in 2001. Henceforth, she constructed layers of Off-Modern theory in Architecture of the Off-Modern (2008), Another Freedom: The Alternative History of an Idea (2010) and The Off-Modern (2017), challenging the canonical mode of modernity. ''Off-Modern'' is inspired by the displacement of the ''Knight'' in chess game and its dynamism breaks with mainstream and straight-line thinking. In the Off-Modern approach, Boym has distilled her experience of exile and extracted the traces of the core of 'Lyrical', which extend in literature to architecture, and by 'architecture and literature separated two ways and merged in lyrical' giving a good inspiration. This essay using 'The Off-Modern of Lyric' as a cross-disciplinary approach, the metronome of the monument in Prague's Letenské Park, which Boym has described as an 'Elegant Red Pendulum of Time' as crucial metaphor of time and space; thus, this paper aims to introduce four types of metronomes - Presto, Allegro, Moderato, Andante and Lento - to map out a hypertextual map of literature/architecture hypertext practice from the perspective of ''The Off-Modern of Lyric,'' to furnish possibilities for local modernity discussion."
起訖頁 161-201
關鍵詞 維特蘭娜.博伊姆抒情離現代建築文學相遇Svetlana BoymThe Off-Modern of LyricArchitectureLiteratureEncounter
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202112 (75期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 創傷、認同與華教記憶:論馬華漢詩人管震民




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