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"Trauma, Identity and Memory of Chinese Education: A Study of Guan Zhen Min's Classical Chinese Poetry"
作者 高嘉謙
"Guan Zhen Min (1880-1962), a Chinese teacher at Chung Ling High School in Penang, Malaysia. He keeps continue his Chinese classical poetry through the Japanese occupation in Malay Peninsula, from British colonialism to independent statehood, and how his identity was transformed in the changing times. This paper explores and argues for the two aspects: first, the trauma of the war on individuals and Chinese education is highlighted in the Chinese poetry writing of Southbound Chinese writers in Malaya, who deal with the Chinese school and the Chinese experience of suffering, as well as the shaping of the collective memory of the Penang Chinese in World War II. This is the unique situation in which Guan's writing is confronted with literary and educational ideals, identity transitions, and local consciousness. After the 1950s, Malaya was faced with the emergence of a new nation-state, free from colonialism. Guan's Chinese poetry, from diasporic state of mind to rootedness, witnessed a shift in national identity and self-settlement in the new situation of the development of the nation's educational language and national spirit."
起訖頁 131-160
關鍵詞 馬華漢詩舊體詩鍾靈中學管震民文化記憶Malaysian Chinese Classical PoetryOld Style PoetryChung Ling High SchoolGuan Zhen MinCultural Memory
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202112 (75期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 李文馥如燕使程漢喃作品述論
該期刊-下一篇 抒情離現代作為方法:以文學──建築文本為考察場域兼述相遇論




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