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History and Identification: Wang Shi Zhen's Thinking of Calligraphy Criticism and Differences with Zhu Yun Ming
作者 朱書萱
"Wang Shi Zhen was the representative writer, historian, and connoisseur. This paper aims to explore the criticism mode and kernel concepts of his calligraphy postscripts based on his edited large-class book Gu Jin Fa Shu Yuan. Also using Zhu Yun Ming as a reference, to applies modern art criticism theory to examine the linguistic connotations of the Ming inscriptions and highlighting the characteristics of Wang's inscriptions and the critical heterogeneity of the Wang and Zhu, to observe the different concerns of connoisseurs and artists in the Ming calligraphy criticism. This paper argues that Wang attached importance to historical sources, and paid attention to the relationship between technique and style, measured the value of art by the distance between his works and the paradigm, and offered explanations for the laws of artistic change. Zhu specializes in grasping artistic images in a holistic manner and tends to seek the same artistic essence in different disguises. The seemingly opposing critical perspectives of the two encompass the two ends of variation and constancy in calligraphy. However, Wang distinguished the evolution of writing styles between the ancient and contemporary eras that was achieved by his constantly managing the calligraphy classics."
起訖頁 75-110
關鍵詞 書法品評王世貞明代題跋祝允明Calligraphy CriticismCalligraphy PostscriptsWan Shi ZhenZhu Yun Ming
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202112 (75期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 道經中署名羅洪先之著作考辨
該期刊-下一篇 李文馥如燕使程漢喃作品述論




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