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Textual Analysis of Writings under the Name of Luo Hongxian in Taoist Classics
作者 陳昭吟
"Six Taoists works in circulation under Luo Hongxian's name presently, such as, ''Secrets of Life,'' ''Seven Poems of Lament for Practicing Taoism,'' ''Luo Hongxian's Moralities Poems,'' ''Scholar Luo's Words of Wisdom for Taoist Practice,'' ''Preface to the First Compilation of Scriptures'' and ''Preface to the Purple Star Astrology.'' However, none of above works are adopted in his collections; and it is doubtful to compare the works with his entire life attentively. To understand the validity, whether Luo had admiration for and pursuit of immortality and to become a deity, firstly, this article outlined the Confucianist ideas of Luo and his interactions with Taoism from the standpoint of Confucianism to facilitate the exploration. Secondly, this study divided the six Taoist works into three major categories according to the style and nature of content: introduction, poem, and preface for analysis and discussion. Finally, it can be concluded that none of the works were written by Luo Hongxian."
起訖頁 33-74
關鍵詞 羅洪先衛生真訣醒世詩紫微斗數道教Luo HongxianSecrets of LifeMoralities PoemsPurple Star AstrologyTaoism
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202112 (75期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 莊子「三言」與「道」之傳達
該期刊-下一篇 歷史與識鑒──王世貞的書法批評及其與祝允明之異同




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