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International Jurisdiction to Adjudicate in Transnational Civil and Commercial Disputes on Internet
作者 吳光平
"The Internet not only causes the huge change of the way the humanity communicates, but also makes it difficult to assert the international jurisdiction by applying traditional jurisdictional rules in the Internet age. Most countries’ courts still pace heavily to decide the international jurisdiction in transnational civil and commercial disputes on internet by applying traditional jurisdictional rules. However, American Courts actually assert adjudicatory jurisdiction by applying traditional jurisdictional rules but being with the fresh idea to make these rules suitable for Internet. American Courts’ experiences in dealing with these issues of personal jurisdiction in Internet are leading. This article analyzes the traditional jurisdictional rules in the assertion of international jurisdiction over transnational civil and commercial disputes on internet, focuses on American Courts’ leading cases concerning adjudicatory jurisdiction in civil and commercial disputes on internet, and discusses how to learn from American Courts’ experiences in dealing with asserting adjudicatory jurisdiction in transnational civil and commercial disputes on internet."
起訖頁 47-76
關鍵詞 網際網路國際裁判管轄選擇法院條款侵權行為實施地侵權行為結果地效果基準InternetInternational Jurisdiction to AdjudicateForum Selection ClausePlace of ActingPlace of InjuryEffects Test
刊名 商業法律與財金期刊  
期數 202112 (4:1期)
出版單位 台灣金融法律學會
該期刊-上一篇 國際管轄法則與訴訟權保障──以跨國環境侵權訴訟為例
該期刊-下一篇 論金融資安於彈性數位營運法之展望




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