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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
An Application of Ship Safety and Collision E-Navigation-Aid System for A Ship Entering Kaohsiung Harbour with Real-Time Simulator |
作者 |
蔡坤遠、方志中 |
中文摘要 |
本研究重點在於應用已發展之靜水中船舶避碰安全e化輔助系統,以高雄港第二港口為例,進行真時進港模擬,以驗證此系統之可行性及效率。避碰數學模型包括Nomoto二階操縱反應式以及自行發展之真時操船模擬機系統(UMS)。船舶操縱運動數值模擬則採用日本MMG(Mathematical Modeling Group)理論,測試船舶選用一艘大型貨櫃船進行操縱運動數值模擬。本研究首先選擇三個不同起始船位,使用真時操船模擬機系統,並以船舶避碰安全e化輔助系統為工具,模擬大型貨櫃船進港靠泊高雄港第二港口,以驗證此系統對於緊急避碰之實用性。最後,本研究規劃不同操船者之真時進港模擬,並由操演的結果進行分析及檢討,據以評估靜水中船舶避碰安全e化輔助系統之實用性及操船效率。由模擬結果分析發現,船舶避碰安全e化輔助系統確實可提供操船人員正確的避碰建議舵角,使船舶更加安全且有效率。 |
英文摘要 |
"Based on our previously well-developed Ship Collision E-Navigation-Aid System in calm water, the real-time simulations of the C-3 container ship entering Kaohsiung harbour have been selected in this paper. A real-time ship simulator based on the Manoeuvring Modelling Group (MMG) model is used to simulate the ship’s motion in calm water condition. This 3D mathematical model includes the manoeuvring characteristics and the hydrodynamic coeffi-cients are estimated with empirical formula or database from published papers. This study incorporates Nomoto’s second-order model to calculate the turning characteristics of the ship. The E-navigation-aid system based on the da-tabase of manoeuvring parameters is very effective to find the helm angle for the ship collision avoidance in harbour areas. The real-time ship simulations with and without the E-navigation-aid system have been carried out by four navigation mates in this research. It can be concluded that the real-time simulations of the large container ship with the Ship Collision E-Navigation-Aid System show a significant improvement of the manoeuvring ship." |
起訖頁 |
1-11 |
關鍵詞 |
Nomoto二階操縱反應式、真時操船模擬機、船舶避碰安全e化輔助系統、Nomoto’s Second-Order Model、Real-Time Ship Simulator、Ship Collision E-Navigation-Aid System |
刊名 |
中國造船暨輪機工程學刊 |
期數 |
202102 (40:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
散裝貨運載船操縱流體動力導數預估數值分析 |