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Comparing the Learning and Salary Performance of the Domestic Information Management Departments with the Data from the Human Bank website
作者 張良政
"In this era when information technology affects our lives, the number of students in the Department of Information Management ranks among the top five universities in Taiwan. Were so many graduates engaged in information specialists after graduation? What was the salary level of the graduates? In the past, the literature was mostly the result of selfinvestigation and research of a single department, and there was a lack of comprehensive comparative research on domestic information management departments. Since there is user survey data on the Human Resources Bank website, this research directly collects Human Resources Bank data to compare the information management graduates form different education systems and different school regions for the difference in the professional rate and average salary of graduates engaged in information work; and also analyze the admission scores and the admission rate, Professional rate, the rate of more than five years of work and the correlation between average salary. The results found that the admission rate, professional rate, and average salary of the Department of Asset Management of private universities of science and technology were significantly lower than those of national universities, national university of science and technology and private universities. The higher the professional work rate and the rate of working for more than five years for graduates of the Department of Information Management, the higher the average salary. The research results can be used for reference by department supervisors and students when choosing a school."
起訖頁 148-161
關鍵詞 資訊管理就業調查高等教育技職教育Information ManagementEmployment SurveyHigher EducationTechnical and Vocational Education
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 網路使用、自我效能與主觀幸福感之研究
該期刊-下一篇 校園創業可行性之研究──以校園咖啡廳為例




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