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A Study on the Demands of Immigrants’ Childrearing and the School Learning Needs of Immigrants’ Grades1-12 Children in Taiwan Remote Areas
作者 顏佩如
"The study explored the ‘demands of immigrants’ childrearing’ and the ‘school learning needs of immigrants’ Grades1-12 children’ in Taiwan remote areas. After developing the questionnaire by the reliability and validity of the pre-test, the author proposed the questionnaire of the ‘demands of immigrants’ childrearing’ and the ‘school learning needs of immigrants’ Grades1-12 children’ in Taiwan remote areas, and the questionnaire consisted of three. There were 1,500 questionnaires, and the effective sample numbers were 791. The study concluded that there were significant differences in demands of immigrants’ childrearing of new inhabitants with different ages, residence times and in terms of grades. There were significant differences in the school learning needs of immigrants’ grades1-12 children of new inhabitants with different ages, jobs, in terms of grades and remote types of school. The demands of immigrants’ childrearing, the school learning needs of immigrants Grades1-12 children has positive and significant effect in Pearson correlation coefficient. The demands of immigrants’ childrearing could predict the school learning needs of immigrants Grades1-12 children in regression analysis."
起訖頁 199-235
關鍵詞 偏遠地區學校新住民家長教養需求新住民學生學習需求schools in Taiwan remote areasthe demands of immigrants’ childrearingthe school learning needs of immigrants’ Grades1-12 children
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202107 (2:4期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 教育部國民及學前教育署定位與決策之探析
該期刊-下一篇 專題製作英語繪本故事敘說者問題意識與運思之認知研究




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