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A Preliminary Study on the Implementation of Reformed Curriculum through Examining the Design of Mathematics Textbooks
作者 鄭章華林佳慧 (Chia-Hui Lin)
"The educational reform, 12-year basic education, was implemented broadly and deeply from elementary to high school in 2019. The reformed curriculum proposed competency-based instruction, which corresponds with contemporary educational theories advocated by many countries. It is expected that the educational reform would bring about positive changes for schools. Over one-year implementation of the reformed curriculum, the public began to be concerned with the curriculum's effects. However, educational studies that investigate the conduct and the effects of the reformed curriculum is scant. Therefore, this study took the typical unit of seventh-grade mathematics, algebraic word problems with one unknown, as a case to examine the difference of the mathematics textbooks design between the reformed curriculum and the old one by conducting mix-methods. Research findings suggest that three textbook publishers did not significantly change mathematics task types and promote the tasks' cognitive demands. Furthermore, many mathematics tasks were identified as copying the last version of the textbooks. This study discusses the reason that underpins the phenomenon and proposed suggestions accordingly."
起訖頁 27-46
關鍵詞 十二年國教推論力理論素養導向數學教科書12-year basic educationcompetency-based instructiongeneralizability theorymathematics textbook
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202105 (2:3期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 素養教育的推動:論大學選才策略與教師素養課程設計能力兩大關鍵
該期刊-下一篇 高中以下藝術才能美術班之生涯輔導需求及因應對策




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