英文摘要 |
"Konjyaku Monogatarisyu was used as a historical material to verify insei (cloister government) period for a long time, and its literary value was not recognized until the Taishōperiod. The main reason is that it contains different characters and occupations from all social stratum, and it also includes the story of kugutsu. Both kugutsu and yujo (prostitute) is to provide singing and dancing performance and sleep with male guests. The difference is yujo was concentrated in the water distribution center and kugutsu was inland transportation. There are three stories about kugutsu in Konjyaku Monogatarisyu, namely Volume 13 issue 44, Volume 19 issue 22, and Volume 28 issue 27. Among them, Volume 28 issue 27“The story of Izu magistrate's assistant”has always been classified as a comical story. This study explores the work style of kugutsu and re-examines the meaning of this comical story that the editor gives, which means the persistence of social stratum. 長久以來《今昔物語集》被視為考證院政時期的史料,主要是由於當中收錄了社會各階層的人物以及多種職業類型。直至大正時期,其文學價值才逐漸受到認同。眾多職業裡,關於傀儡子的故事也收錄於其中。傀儡子與遊女的工作皆為提供歌舞表演,以及與男客共寢。兩者的區別在於聚集地的差異,當時遊女主要集中於水路集散地,而聚集於陸路交通要衝的則稱為傀儡子。《今昔物語集》當中關於傀儡子的故事有三則,分別是卷十三的〈定法寺別當聞説法花得益語第四十四〉、卷十九的〈寺別當許麥縄成蛇語第二十二〉、卷二十八的〈伊豆守小野五友目代語第二十七〉。本文以文學史上少數描述男性傀儡子的作品〈伊豆守小野五友目代語〉為主,透過觀察傀儡子的工作樣貌,重新檢視編輯者賦予這則滑稽故事的意義,即為對於「社會階層」之堅持。" |