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Geoconservation in Geoparks: Start from Geodiversity
作者 紀權窅
設立地質公園是近年國際上推動地質保育的重要手段之一,我國在2016年也將地質公園納入《文化資產保存法》中的自然資產項目。地質公園是以保育特殊的地質遺跡為出發點,透過保護、教育及永續發展的整全概念進行經營管理。地質保育做為其核心價值,重點在於保育、應用及促進人們對於地質多樣性(geodiversity)價值的認知,因此理解地質多樣性的內涵將有助於推動地質公園的政策。地質多樣性是以生物多樣性的概念為類比,定義為地質的(岩石、礦物、化石)、地形的(地形、地貌、物理營力)、土壤的以及水文的自然條件範圍,其分類與評估方法近年也逐漸發展,從單純的科學價值的論述、結合文化與美學的價值、定性與定量方法的建立,到結合生態系統服務的概念,以至地質保育的實務應用到保護區經營管理、地質公園推動、襲產保存、永續發展、地質旅遊等面向。國內長期推動的地景保育(landscape conservation)與國際間所談的地質保育(geoconservation)定義上有所不同,地景保育的觀點兼顧地景中自然環境與人類活動的影響,而地質保育的觀點是以保育地質遺跡為核心,擴展到生態及文化的保育。本研究認為無論是地景保育或是地質保育的觀點,地質公園的評估與規劃都應回歸到地質多樣性的討論基礎,才能貼近UNESCO世界地質公園的基準,也能與國際的地質公園更深入的對話。
"Geopark is an important approach in recent year to promote geoconservation around the world. It is also classified as a component of natural heritage in the''Cultural Heritage Preservation Act''in Taiwan. The concept of geopark is based on conserving geoheritage of significance, and is managed by the holistic concept of protection, education, and sustainable development. Geoconservation, as the core of activity within a geopark, focuses on the conservation, application, and promotion of geodiversity values. Therefore, being aware of the concept of geodiversity will be beneficial for promoting geopark policy. Geodiversity is analogous to biodiversity. It is defined by Gray (2004) as''the natural range of geological (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphology (landforms, topography, physical processes), soil and hydrological features''. The methods to classify and assess it have progressively developed over the past few years. Those started from relatively simple assessments based on scientific significance to combined assessments with cultural and aesthetic values. Additionally, some qualitative and quantitative ways have been developed. Recently, assessment methods also incorporate the concept of ecosystem services. Thus, the practices of geoconservation have been applied to the management of protected areas, promotion of geoparks, heritage preservation, sustainable development, and geotourism. The long-term project of''landscape conservation''in Taiwan has a different meaning with''geoconservation'', the latter being widely applied internationally. Landscape conservation concerns the landscape shaped by both the natural environment and human activities. Whereas, from the perspective of geoconservation, conserving geoheritage is core, with extending the focus to ecosystem and cultural conservation. In this study, I argue that whether applying the ideas of landscape conservation or geoconservation, the assessment and planning of geoparks need to be based on the geodiversity approach. Geodiversity could better fit the criteria of UNESCO global geoparks, and Taiwanese geoparks could be better promoted to the rest of the world."
起訖頁 85-101
關鍵詞 地質公園地質保育地質多樣性地質遺跡文化資產保存法geoparksgeoconservationgeodiversitygeoheritageCultural Heritage Preservation Act
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202108 (73期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣私設鐵道與日本各殖民地之比較:以私設鐵道補助為探討中心
該期刊-下一篇 亡者的文化迴響:臺灣爭議性墓葬襲產化的空間政治




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