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A Comparative Study of Private Railways between Taiwan and the Other Japanese Colonies: Focusing on the Private Railway Subsidies
作者 張家端洪致文 (Chih-wen Hung)
"Before World War II, in order to promote the development of local transportation, Japan implemented the Private/Local Railway Subsidy Act in the Japanese mainland and colonies to promote and maintain the development and operation of private railways. Although there have been many studies conducted on Taiwan's private railways in the past, this article examines the characteristics of Taiwan in comparison with other Japanese colonies. This topic has not yet been discussed in detail. Therefore, this article focuses on local transportation and studies the local transportation networks of private railways in Japanese colonies, as well as the private railway subsidy acts formulated to promote or maintain the transportation network. Focusing on Taiwan's private railways and subsidy act, this study compares Taiwan with the private railways of other Japanese colonies at that time, namely Korea, Karafuto (Sakhalin), South Seas Mandate and Manchuria, and their respective subsidies for private railways. This study finds that, apart from the absence of passenger railways in the South Seas, only the local transportation network in Taiwan was not backed by any private railway subsidies. A dense railway network was spontaneously formed and it was self-sufficient to maintain operations. This was mainly due to the networks of the sugar railway. As for Korea and Karafuto, subsidies were used to encourage and maintain the development and operation of private railway networks; whereas in Manchuria, even with the backing of subsidies, private railways still could not flourish."
起訖頁 57-83
關鍵詞 私設鐵道私設鐵道補助臺灣鐵道日本殖民地private railwayprivate railway subsidyTaiwan railwayJapanese colony
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202108 (73期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 從空間符號觀點,探討文創園區之行銷策略:以華山文創園區為例
該期刊-下一篇 地質公園的地質保育:從地質多樣性談起




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