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作者 牛惠之
"提升學生在通識教育課程的參與感與學習成效是每一位用心經營通識課程的老師的心願。遊戲化教學是一種將遊戲的元素結合於課程的教學方式,通說見解認為適當的遊戲化課程設計具有提升教學成效與學習動機的功能。在課堂中實施有遊戲特質的Kahoot網路隨堂考便是遊戲化教學的一種應用模式。本研究將Kahoot的網路隨堂考運用於研究者在中國醫藥大學通識中心開授的四門課程中,以試圖提升教學成效。從這四個班級的學生在學期結束的問卷分析所得,多數學生肯定Kahoot隨堂考有助於增進學習成效,與遊戲化教學相關研究所得到的結論一致。但就提升學習動機而言,多數學生則持保留的立場,此與多數研究分析有所不同。對此,有待進行後續研究以探討可能的原因。本文以問卷調查做為研究方法,並以敘述性統計及變異數分析等呈現問卷內容知結果。To help students enhance motivations and achieve better learning results is the goal of every devoted teacher in general education. Gamification is a new mode of teaching and learning which introduces or applies elements of games into non-game contexts. The utilization of games in the classroom setting has been shown to be an effective pedagogical tool to improve academic performance. Kahoot quiz is an online testing tool which employs the gamification approach. Applying Kahoot quiz to four of researcher’s general education courses in China Medical University, the positive learning outcomes have obtained. However, it cannot significantly motivate students to pay more attention on subjects in general education. Future research should look into reasons why gamification may not be effective to enhance motivation. Using questionnaires to conduct in this research, findings and results have presented from the descriptive statistics analysis of variance."
起訖頁 1-50
關鍵詞 Kahoot遊戲化通識教育學習動機kahootgamificationgeneral educationmotivation
刊名 作者授權  
期數 202002 (2020:2期)
該期刊-上一篇 國家安全與跨國食品貿易──由食品安全風險分析機制與民意在WTO的SPS協定的缺席論
該期刊-下一篇 從暫停核發藥品許可證期間與銷售專屬期間的影響──論藥事法中實施專利連結的例外規定




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