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"法學英文:Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96; 96 S. Ct. 321 (1975)."
作者 林利芝
"本院在Miranda v. Arizona案提出一套程序保護措施,藉此保護那些遭受警方羈押訊問而面臨三擇一困境者的憲法權利。綜言之,法院在Miranda v. Arizona案表示,除非執法人員在訊問受羈押者之前給予具體明確的警告,以及在隨後的訊問過程中遵守若干明確程序,否則當身為被告的受羈押者在審判中對其所作的任何陳述提出異議時,法院不得將這些陳述採納作為不利證據,即使實際上這些陳述皆是出於受羈押者之自由意志。In the Miranda case, this Court promulgated a set of safeguards to protect the there-delineated constitutional rights of persons subjected to custodial police interrogation. In sum, the Court held in that case that unless law enforcement officers give certain specified warnings before questioning a person in custody, and follow certain specified procedures during the course of an subsequent interrogation, any statement made by the person in custody cannot over his objection be admitted in evidence against him as a defendant at trial, even though the statement may in fact be wholly voluntary."
起訖頁 1-12
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201507 (2015:7期)
該期刊-上一篇 "法學英文:Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96; 96 S. Ct. 321 (1975)."
該期刊-下一篇 "法學英文:Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96; 96 S. Ct. 321 (1975)."




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