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"法學英文:Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96; 96 S. Ct. 321 (1975)."
作者 林利芝
"被告Richard Bert Mosley因涉入密西根州底特律市下東區藍鵝酒吧和白塔餐廳近來發生的搶案,所以警方於1971年8月8日的午後在密西根州底特律市逮捕被告。逮捕被告之員警是任職底特律市警局武裝搶劫小組的探員James Cowie,其接獲Mosley和其他三名男子涉案的線報而採取行動。探員James Cowie逮捕被告Mosley後,將被告帶至位於警察總局四樓的「搶奪強盜暨侵入住宅」部門,並告知Mosley其所享有受到Miranda v. Arizona案保護的權利,以及要他閱讀和簽署該部門的憲法權利通知書。探員Cowie填妥必要的逮捕文件後,開始偵訊Mosley關於白塔餐廳搶劫案件。當Mosley表示不想回答任何關於搶案的問題,探員Cowie立即停止偵訊。探員Cowie填妥逮捕文件和偵訊Mosley合計耗費約莫20分鐘。Mosley在偵訊時未提出律師陪同偵訊的要求,且Mosley於本案並未主張探員Cowie偵訊Mosley時沒有完全遵循Miranda v. Arizona案之限制要件。警方把Mosley帶至九樓牢房予以拘禁。The respondent, Richard Bert Mosley, was arrested in Detroit, Michigan in the early afternoon of April 8, 1971, in connection with robberies that had recently occurred at the Blue Goose Bar and the White Tower Restaurant on that city's lower east side. The arresting officer, Detective James Cowie of the Armed Robbery Section of the Detroit Police Department, was acting on a tip implicating Mosley and three other men in the robberies. After effecting the arrest, Detective Cowie brought Mosley to the Robbery, Breaking and Entering Bureau of the Police Department, located on the fourth floor of the departmental headquarters building. The officer advised Mosley of his rights under this Court's decision in Miranda v. Arizona, and had him read and sign the department's constitutional rights notification certificate. After filling out the necessary arrest papers, Cowie began questioning Mosley about the robbery of the White Tower Restaurant. When Mosley said he did not want to answer any questions about the robberies, Cowie promptly ceased the interrogation. The completion of the arrest papers and the questioning of Mosley together took approximately 20 minutes. At no time during the questioning did Mosley indicate a desire to consult with a lawyer, and there is no claim that the procedures followed to this point did not fully comply with the strictures of the Miranda opinion. Mosley was then taken to a ninth-floor cell block."
起訖頁 1-9
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201507 (2015:7期)
該期刊-上一篇 "法學英文:Pennsylvania v. Inocencio Muniz, 496 U.S. 582 (1990)."
該期刊-下一篇 "法學英文:Michigan v. Mosley, 423 U.S. 96; 96 S. Ct. 321 (1975)."




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