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A Study of the Protection of the Fundamental Rights of College Students from the Perspective of University Autonomy
作者 許育典林姁嫙
"大學具有自治權,是立基於大學自治此一制度;在這樣一個學術自由的制度性保障下,大學得依其內部構成員的共同決意,做出具有拘束力的決定。學校制定規則、辦法皆是以維持校園秩序為出發點所做出的內部決定。縱然在大學校規範圍內,大學生必須遵行,但應肯認大學生在校內,仍有相當範圍的基本權保障空間。在此,為對焦於本文主軸,故將討論範圍,限於大學對於大學生所頒布的校規。首先本文要針對大學自治的內容為建構,對於大學自治的產生、功能與類型為討論。接著針對與大學生緊密相關的校規的性質、作用及對象為討論,其中為衡量校規與大學生基本權孰輕孰重,在此本文型塑一個衡量的層級化概念:層級化校規保留,以便操作校規與大學生之間的利益衡量。最後則著眼於對近年前所發生之實際案例的檢討。整體而言,本文的目的在於,嘗試透過建立一個有關在學大學生基本權之侵害與保障的清晰檢驗結構,並藉此判斷,學生的基本權,是不是如同以前「特別權力關係」中的一方一樣,在以「大學自治」為名的校務實踐下被限制而難以獲得完整的保障;若依照本文的所提出之層級化保留的檢驗結構,可以進一步釐清大學在行使其自治權限時,應該如何面對(各種)大學生的相關權利;另一方面藉此希望大學能夠避免逾越其自治權限,並且符合法治要求,從而保障大學生的基本權,以落實大學生的主體性,並避免特別權力關係的遺毒仍存於大學校園中。Based upon the paradigm of university autonomy, universities enjoy the power of self-governance. The paradigm serves as a systematic protection of academic freedom which empowers universities in accordance with the collective wills of its constituencies to promulgate regulations which have the binding effects upon all affiliates. University rules and Regulations are internal codeterminations promulgated with a view toward maintaining the campus order. Although it is true that university students shall observe the university rules and regulations, it is equally true that university students shall still enjoy the room under the protection of their fundamental rights. Therefore, in order to maintain the focus of this Article, the scope of this Article will be the university rules and regulations promulgated to govern their students. First of all, this Article will construct the content of university autonomy and will discuss its formation, functions, and types. Secondly, this Article will discuss the nature, the functions, and the objectives of the university rules and regulations which are closely related to college students. Of all those discussions, in order to evaluate the significance of the university rules and regulations and the fundamental freedom of college students, this Article will illustrate a concept of a hierarchical regulatory structure, the reservation of the university regulatory hierarchy, to better evaluate the significance between the university rules and regulations and the interests of college students. Finally, this Article will review the recent actually cases. In sum, the purpose of this Article is to attempt to establish a clear reviewing mechanism to determine the protections and infringements of the fundamental rights of college students. Pursuant to the reviewing hierarchical regulatory structure raised by this Article, universities can further clarify how to deal with the fundamental rights of college students while exercising their powers of university autonomy. Furthermore, this Article wishes that the reservation of the university regulatory hierarchy may prevent universities from exceeding their powers under university autonomy, may ascertain that universities observe the law, may protect the fundamental rights of college students, and may help to implement university autonomy and at the same time to prevent the dress of the principle of the special power relationship from being alive in university campuses."
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 大學自治學生權利學術自由規章自治層級化校規保留university autonomy rights of students academic freedom self-regulation reservation of the university regulatory hierarchy
刊名 作者授權  
期數 201312 (2013:12期)
該期刊-上一篇 論行政對宗教團體管制的界限──以宗教組織科層化為例
該期刊-下一篇 人權與法治教育作為友善校園的建構




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