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elation Between Establishment of Di Li Shu and Di Ji in The Wei-Jin-Southern and Northern Dynasties and Development of Chinese Geography Records in the Following Generations
作者 劉寧慧
"Geography category of Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi recorded the ex-istence of geographic work“Di Li Shu”and“Di Ji”in Six Dynasties. They were written by the individuals at the time. The volumes were few and the names of the books were based on the place names in geographic administrative districts. They recorded the regional natural environments and life situations. Most of them were not properly preserved and we can only study them from the generalization results from Qing Dynasty. These literatures silently disappeared from the catalogues in 1130 and they even did not draw the attention of the scholars in Song and Yuan Dynasties. What was the significance of these silent literatures in the cultural circle at the time? What are the historical factors which we did not recognize? What are the effects which we should analyze and clarify? The development is associated with another important issue: the birth of Chinese Geography Records in Song Dynasty. They are important as the former or drive of Chinese Geography Records. By reasoning the origin and writing, this study aims to explore the position of the literatures and elaborates the history and society of Six Dynasties. In addition, by the development and declination, it probes into their role in the formation of the genre of Chinese Geography Records."
起訖頁 535-600
關鍵詞 地理書地記方志魏晉南北朝六朝Di Li ShuDi JiChinese Geography RecordsThe Wei-Jin-Southern and Northern DynastiesSix Dynasties
刊名 臺北大學中文學報  
期數 202109 (30期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 《世本》人物名字考論五則
該期刊-下一篇 番神唐化──「小傳統」下的馬來西亞拿督公信仰




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