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"The effects of game motivations, flow experience and affect on continuance intention to play for online shooter game"
作者 詹勳鴻楊舜安張峻瑋馬浩瀚
電子遊戲產業正不斷的快速發展,由Games Industry公布全球遊戲產業市場總產值在2020年為1749億美元,可知電子遊戲代表著龐大的商機,本研究欲探討影響玩家持續玩電子射擊遊戲的重要因素,將以玩家們的激勵因子即在遊玩射擊遊戲的遊戲動機,最優體驗心流理論以及遊戲中的情緒表現等三項理論分析其對續玩意願的影響,以此整合模式延伸過去未能涵蓋之新觀點,冀能幫助遊戲開發商了解電子射擊遊戲玩家們的遊戲動機、心流經驗,有利於市場開發及遊戲發展的趨向。研究採用便利抽樣方式進行資料蒐集得有效問卷316份。結果顯示,「動機之好奇心」、「動機之控制」與「動機之社會互動」三者對電子遊戲的續玩意願具有顯著的正向影響力,心流中的「自成目標的經驗」、「清晰的目標」、「全神貫注」與「挑戰與技巧的平衡」四者對電子遊戲的續玩意願具有顯著的正向影響力,「正向情緒」對電子遊戲的續玩意願具有顯著的正向影響力;其次,心流中的自成目標與清晰的目標具有部分中介效果。此外,正向情緒為心流經驗與續玩意願之間的具有調節效果,當射擊遊戲電子玩家正向情緒較高時,心流對續玩意願影響較強烈,若正向情緒低時,心流對續玩意願影響較趨緩。本文最後亦針對研究限制與未來研究提出建議。
"The video game industry is growing rapidly. Based on the market value of Games Industry, the global gaming market reached a value of US$174.9 billion in 2020, which represents huge business opportunities. This study aims to explore the important factors that influence players to continue playing video shooting games, the motivation of playing shooting games, the optimal experience and emotion are considered to be examined. Hopefully, we can shed light on new perspectives with this comprehensive model, and present information into gaming market. A total of 316 valid questionnaires were collected by convenience sampling method from online game players. It found that curiosity, control and social interaction of motivations, autotelic experience, clear goals, concentration on the task at hand, and challenge-skills balance of flow experiment, and positive affect are important influential factors; they had significant predictive effect on continuance intention to play. Secondly, Game motivations indirectly influence the continuance intention through the flow experiment of online game. In addition, positive affect has a moderation effect between the flow experience and the willingness to continue playing. When the positive affect of online shooting game players are high, the flow has a stronger influence on the willingness to continue playing. If the positive affect are low, the flow on the willingness to continue playing is slower. At the end of this article, we also make recommendations for research limitations and future research."
起訖頁 67-78
關鍵詞 動機心流正向情緒線上遊戲電子射擊遊戲motivationflow experimentpositive affectonline gameshooter game
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202112 (9:2期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 COVID-19疫情發生後,國內親子旅遊行為意圖之探討
該期刊-下一篇 探討餐旅業員工人格特質、自我效能與知識藏私之研究──兼論信任之影響




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