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The Textual Research Of '' Rely on hanging the hairpin on the hat to getting intimate'' (待掛冠而為密) in the Peony Pavilion Inscription
作者 張鑫誠
In Tang Xian Zu’s Peony Pavilion Inscription, there are a sentence ''Be sure to rely on her bringing pillows or hanging jade hairpins on my hat to make lovers fall in love(必因薦枕而成親,待掛冠而為密者)'' .If the meaning of resignation is used to explain ''Hanging the hairpin on the hat(掛冠) '', in the meaning and context are not smooth. But the annotated books on the market have become so widely circulated that the problem urgently needs to be solved. The sentence of the Peony Pavilion Inscription is coming from Shi Dao Shi’s Fa Yuan Zhu Lin in the early Tang Dynasty. According to the textual research, the usage of the phrase ''Hanging the hairpin on the hat(掛冠) ''here actually comes from the sentence'' She hung the jade hairpin on my hat and touched my dress with her sleeve(玉釵掛臣冠,羅袖拂臣衣)'' in Si Ma Xiang Ru’s Mei Ren Fu. ''Rely on hanging the hairpin on the hat to geting intimate (待掛冠而為密)''is what the beauty of the upper palace brought up the hat of Sima Xiangru, the jade hairpin, and then got close to him. Shi Daoshi used this allusion to refer to sex as a way to illustrate the detriment of indulgence. Tang Xianzu followed his words, and with the use of ''Rely on hanging the hairpin on the hat to geting intimate (待掛冠而為密)''to deny the general view of love flows in the skeleton. Peony Pavilion aims to highlight the ''truefeelings'' and ''supreme feelings''. By clarifying the true meaning of ''Rely on hanging the hairpin on the hat to geting intimate (待掛冠而為密)'', we can know that Tang Xianzu's ''The Peony Pavilion'' aims to break through the story mode of carnal love between the talented man and the beautiful woman, and advocates the supreme affection beyond the body, life and death.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 《牡丹亭》湯顯祖〈美人賦〉《法苑珠林》掛冠
刊名 東吳中文線上學術論文  
期數 202109 (55期)
出版單位 東吳大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 從李碧華《胭脂扣》看香港妓女文化及其變遷




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