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作者 陳鵬 (CHEN Peng)
There is the normative basis for conducting cost-performance analysis on administrative decision-makings in China, but judging from the current practice, operable implementation plans remain absent. Scholars generally equate cost-performance analysis with cost-benefit analysis which monetizes the costs and the effects of administrative decisions and regards net benefits as the criteria for judging whether certain decision-makings can be justified. However, cost-benefit analysis based on monetization methods faces both the difficulty at the technical level and the criticism of value. Monetized cost-benefit analysis may be defended theoretically, and its inherent defects could be remedied by improving its operation. Therefore, it remains a usable analytical tool, in terms of administrative decision-making in contemporary China. However, we should also attach importance to the supplementary function of other economic analysis methods such as cost-effectiveness analysis and feasibility analysis, and utilize various analytical tools comprehensively based on different administrative tasks to develop multiple mechanisms of cost-performance analysis.
起訖頁 1103-1119
關鍵詞 行政決策成本效益分析成本收益分析成本有效性分析可行性分析Administrative Decision-makingCost-performance AnalysisCost-benefit AnalysisCost-effectiveness AnalysisFeasibility Analysis
刊名 中外法学  
期數 202108 (196期)
出版單位 北京大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 美國股東派生訴訟中對公司抗辯的司法審查標準




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