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The Theoretical and Practical Study of Neighbourhood Governance in Hualian County
作者 廖南貴
繼地方治理被重視之後,比地方治理更為基層、更為草根,而可說是被地方治理所涵蓋的「村里治理」(neighbourhood governance),在2000年以後被重新檢視,並且賦予民主更新的價值與意涵(Lowndes and Sullivan, 2008; Durose and Lowndes, 2010)。除大眾所熟知的基層選舉的政治意涵之外,一般來說,村里治理還具有公民、社會,與經濟的意義。村里長在台灣的地方自治中,原在於扮演政令宣導、輿情反饋的功能。但隨著數位化通信的蓬勃發展,村里長承擔資訊轉介與溝通的功能似乎逐漸式微,村里治理功能正面臨轉型與重新定位的過程。在此同時,面對風險化社會、高齡化社會的趨勢,風險偵測與預防可能成為村里長可以重新定位的利基。花蓮位居後山,就業機會不如北部或西部,青壯年離鄉到西部地區謀生者甚多,而此造就花蓮地區獨居老人、單親家庭、隔代教養問題。簡言之,同在農業縣的花蓮境內,也有城鄉之間的差距。村里長於公權力所不及末梢端,仍可為民眾打造、守護一個溫暖有愛的共同體。綜合上述對於村里的定位與功能說明,以及縣內社會問題與社區治理上的城鄉差距,本文將以「村里治理」概念,運用花蓮縣25個村里長的訪談資料,說明基層地方自治意義,並剖析花蓮縣在村里治理上的狀態與成效,進一步說明村里治理對於「地方治理」的意義與貢獻。
Neightbourhood governance has been considered to be more primary and grassroots in Taiwan after regional governance became a significant issue in the contemporary by 2000. Neighbourhood governance has been given new purpose and expectation. It not only indicates the importance of service delivery, but includes the value of citizens, society and local economics. In the past years, the village chief was a communicator between the authority and residents. However, due to the advanced technology development, the village chief does not play such essential role in this modern society. The neighbourhood governance is facing a change and crucial transition. Meanwhile, following the trend of risk society and aging society, village chief now could be seen as a guard to prevent risk. In terms of Hualien County, it is located in the eastern of Taiwan , the back mountain. The limited employment opportunities cause the younger generations to move out. It results in many social problems like senior live alone, single-parent family and grandparents-breeding family. Moreover, the rural-urban gap surprising exists in the country county like Hualien. Thus, the village chief has been expecting to serve all inhabitants and try to create a warm public space. Briefly, this research is to interpret the definition of villages and the chief's function. The questionary will take place into 25 village chiefs of Hualien County, the data are necessary to make a description of basic neighbourhood governance. Furthermore, based on the analysis, the conclusion will show the outcomes of Hualien neighbourhood governance.
起訖頁 1-18
關鍵詞 地方治理村里治理審議式民主參與式民主公民社會local governanceneighbourhood governancedeliberative democracyparticipatory democracyCivil Society
刊名 競爭力評論  
期數 201403  (17期)
出版單位 中華國家競爭力研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 社會科學中關於「概念」的測量──以國家認同概念的測量為例




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