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北臺灣科技學院通識學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Research on Pu Sung-lin, A Great Writer of Supernatural Literature
作者 宣中文
This article is a research study on the greatest supernatural literature writer Pu Sung-lin's unfortunate experience in taking the civil examination. His failure in passing the examination, which was his life goal, led him to write the superb novel Lao Chai, a collection of more than 400 short stories about ghosts, fox fairies, and other satirical pieces. His creativity and his beautiful writing skill made this an excellent piece of literature. Pu Sung-lin (1640-1715) was born during the Ming dynasty, but grew up in the Ching dynasty. When he was 19 years old, he passed the first level of the civil examination for educated men ''hsiu chia'' with the highest score. Subsequently, he tried for about a half century to pass the second level of the civil examination ''chu jen;'' however, he failed each time. Since he failed the second level of the examination, he could never take the final examination ''chin shi.'' To pass this civil examination was very important for the scholar at that time, because it was the only way to become an official. Many of Pu's poems describe his disappointments and sadness in failing the ''chu jen'' examination. Although he was unable to become an official, his novel brought him fame in the history of Chinese literature.
起訖頁 129-136
關鍵詞 蒲松齡聊齋誌異聊齋詞集選注抄本聊齋文集蒲松齡評傳蒲松齡年譜Pu Sung-linLao ChaiPu Sung-lin's poemchronicle of Pu Sung-linsupernatural literature
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 201006 (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 中外戲劇對「仇殺親人」題材之詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 廖玉蕙在其散文中的形象




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