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Essays on the Interpretation of Killing the Clansman with Hatred in the Western and Chinese Plays
作者 劉信成
「復仇」是人類各民族都曾普遍盛行的歷史文化現象,不同文化背景的民族文學中都有各具特色的復仇文學主題。而應用在戲劇行動上是極富衝突性,其所引起的「悲劇性」也是最為強烈,早在希臘悲劇中就廣被運用。此類情節乃古今中外皆有之,唯從中西文化底層下其所賦予的情感觀念依然有其相異之處。西方悲劇之戲劇行動中表現出人物內心的衝突,其心理上的矛盾與行為上的躊躇,而將情節推往悲劇的結局。然中國的戲曲的悲劇人物大多是遭致外在力量的妨礙和阻隔,遂成了悲劇性情結運作的本質和動力。這種差異的產生實際上又是中西方文化習俗、文學傳統等諸般差異作用的結果。故本文試以各時期的作品,舉出「仇殺親人」的舞台行動,如:希臘三大悲劇家之一的愛斯奇勒斯(Aeschyles)的《奧瑞斯提亞》(Oresteia)三部曲、莎士比亞(William Shakespeare)之《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)及現代戲戲中的尤金‧歐尼爾(Eugene O'Neill)之作品中,其復仇者所復仇的對象是自己的親人,這也是為自己親人報仇的舞台行動,來與中國傳統戲曲中類似之題材者做一比較,並試以論辯之。
Revenge is occurred world-wide in the history and culture of human beings. There are the typical themes on revenge in the different literatures. Revenge applied in the dramatic action is full of conflict and tragicalness, and it was first spread to use in the Greek tragedies. The plot of the revenge can be found in the east and the west from the ancient time to modem time. But, on the base of the feeling in the western and the Chinese cultures, the differences are still existed. In the western tragedies, the dramatic actions are expressed their inner conflicts of the characters who have their psychological contradictions and behavioral hesitations and are led the plots to the end of the plays. In the Chinese traditional operas, the tragic characters almost are interfered and obstructed to get the essence and the motivation of the tragic complex. In fact, the differences in these two kinds of dramas are resulted in the habits of the cultures and the literary traditions between the west and the Chinese. The dramatic actions on killing the clansman with hatred in the western plays from the different times were taken examples in this paper, such as Aeschyles's Oresteia, William Shakespeare's Hamlet, and Eugene O'Neill's plays, to compare with the plays of Chinese traditional operas and were intended to explore the differences.
起訖頁 119-128
關鍵詞 復仇悲劇哈姆雷特尤金‧歐尼爾趙氏孤兒revengetragedyHamletEugene O'NeillThe Chao's Orphan
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 201006 (6期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 論明復法師《目連救母》劇本的創作意圖
該期刊-下一篇 科舉鬼路綻放聊齋奇文:蒲松齡研究──考運坎坷




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