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作者 陳玉潔吳侑桐陳昭宇 (Chao-Yu Chen)賴勁甫李文斌黃姵瑜楊景光黃姿玲張捷寧
As a keystone of Ma Government in Cross-Strait policy, CECA, then EFCA, was seen as a breakthrough of political stalemate yet normalized economics, avoided marginalization and enhanced internationalization. EFCA that substituted the previous CECA, is a dedicate framework to skillfully avoid the most controversial unification-independence issue that might arouse the unnecessary conflict of ideology in Taiwan. The Asian Free-Trade Area is to be formed in 2010 facilitated by ASEAN and China, thus, a domino effect would be seen with the new participants of Japan, South Korea...etc. Taiwan, geographically as a part of this area, would be a regret to be marginalized by China. Promised by government, EFCA would pay a proper attention on sovereign issue that Taiwan may not succumb to China. Yet, that promise still seemed its limit in at least half of Taiwan residents' mind that occupied with sovereign myth. It likely damages the development of its existing space in the international society. This article thus would like to further discuss if the EFCA conclusion be a thoughtful mean in achieving the end of extending economic ties with East Asian Nations.
起訖頁 317-336
關鍵詞 綜合性經濟合作協定更緊密的經貿安排兩岸經濟合作架構協議自由貿易協定東協組織港澳模式CECACEPAECFAFTAASEANHong Kong-Macao Mode
刊名 北臺灣科技學院通識學報  
期數 200907 (5期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 權利與權力的均衡秩序:憲法建構的核心概念
該期刊-下一篇 台北富邦銀行銀行購併問題之探討




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