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A Research of Orchestration in Taiwan Pop Music
作者 王映丹
從17世紀以來,管弦樂音樂作品是古典音樂創作主流,音樂家以眾多的樂器和音色視為樂曲強烈的表現,以至於管弦樂作品往往能成為一位作曲家重要的記號,主要在於作曲家對於樂器配置的「特殊眼光」,或是可以稱作為配器風格(Orchestration Style)的手法和技巧。這種音樂創作手法從20世紀開始,直接影響到音樂劇、電影音樂和流行音樂的發展層面,包括許多重要的作曲家史特拉汶斯基、蓋西文、布瑞頓、安德魯洛伊韋伯等等,都以獨特的管弦樂法獲得讚賞。臺灣流行音樂是亞洲流行音樂的佼佼者,其中華語流行歌曲更撫慰無數華人的精神生活,臺灣華語流行音樂作品可稱得上華語音樂的先行者當之無愧。然而,流行音樂長期被視為商業活動範疇,往往被學術研究忽視,直到1980年代以後,流行音樂在社會的發展逐漸盛行,各種的文化研究和多元主義盛行,才逐漸獲得關注。華語流行歌曲無論在曲風和旋律創作上都有與國際接軌的水準,甚至是歌詞的研究也有顯著成就,但是對於管弦樂音色的編曲僅限於「背景音樂」的運用。本文藉由管弦樂音色的探討與配置研究,透過各種多樣的樣態介紹,提供未來編曲上創作者創作的聽覺素材,達到流行音樂個人特色展現的方式。
Since the 17th century, orchestral music works have been the mainstream of classical music. Composer was interested in various tone because the development of instruments. If the composer has used to the tone of the instrument combination, we can call that was his ''orchestration'', this art of combining the sounds of a complex of instruments to form a satisfactory blend and balance. Musical, film music and pop music have been influenced this art by some composers in the 20th century, included Stravinsky, Gershwin, Britten, Andrew Lloyd Webber, etc. Taiwan pop music is an outstanding leader in Asian pop music, and it not only appeases the soul but also be the pioneer of Asian pop music. However, pop music in Taiwan has regarded as a kind of commercial activity. It is often ignored by academic research. Until the 1980s that Taiwan pop music is concerned by various cultural studies and pluralism. The art of orchestration in pop music has been the background music, even though it has very high level not only in melody creation but also in music style, and the research on lyrics has made remarkable achievements. In order to provide a development potential on orchestration in pop music, therefore, this research takes the history of orchestration and arrangement in western music, especially in Taiwan pop music.
起訖頁 23-36
關鍵詞 流行音樂編曲pop musicarrangement
刊名 臺北城市科技大學通識學報  
期數 202103  (10期)
出版單位 臺北城市科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 書風漸變的動力觀
該期刊-下一篇 身心合一表演方法於意象劇場運用之初探




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