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From the Martial Law to the Lifting Law Period: Exploring the Mutation of the Body in Wang Yu-hua's Novel The Island of Disturbance
作者 唐毓麗
Body expression is one of the most critical themes in Wang Yu-hua's novels which combines psychological writing with physical symbols to present the absurd social situation in Taiwan. Physical experience and experience of time and space are the most important themes of The Island of Disturbance, and it describes the evolution of politics from authoritarian rule to gradual collapse. The existence of multiple political parties and the voice of democracy makes the authoritarian power of the party, government and army become powerless, which directly results in different reactions of physical experience. The invasion of capitalism and the calculation of commercialism, resulting in the growth of the erotic industry, the body infected with the color of lust. There is also a closer connection between religious belief and economic gains, making the body more secular. These tremendous changes were reflecting in the variation of the body view. Based on Michel Foucault and John O'Neill's body theory, this paper discusses the in-depth observation on the political body, sexual body, and the religious body and intends to probe into the question of the body narrative more thoroughly.
起訖頁 189-222
關鍵詞 王幼華《騷動的島》身體書寫身體變異Wang Yu-huaThe Island of Disturbancewriting of the bodymutation of the body
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202106 (73期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 訂古當前傲世姿:論衛聚賢、孫次舟辨史疑古之話語權競奪




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