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A Study of Visitors’ Satisfaction for the Taipei International Travel Fair
作者 廖佩珊陳美燕 (Mei-Yen Chen)
The study was based on a face-to-face questionnaire survey. By applying the convenience sampling method, this study focused on the Visitors for 2006 Taipei International Travel Fair. The purpose of this study was to know the visitors’ satisfaction for the 2006 Taipei International Travel Fair. There were 549 questionnaires completed and considered as valid. By Descriptive statistics, Chi-square analysis, Hierarchical Cluster analysis, Ranking Data analysis, Ridit analysis and so on, we had got some results in visiting behavior, the visitor’s satisfaction and the travel preference as follows:1.The ratio that first attended visitor was about 70%. Collecting travel information was the most mainly visiting reason. About 21% Visitor purchased in advance or bought goods and average spent about eight thousand dollars. The most attractive organization was foreign organization, and the mainly attractive factor was the preference and contents of the product. The ratio that likes to visit again or introduce others to visit was about 70%.2. The visitors’ satisfaction for the air conditioner and temperature, moving-line planning, visitor rest place, services provision for visitor with disabilities, the days and price were low.3.For the all visitors, the foreign tourist locality of the most preference was Europe and the internal tourist locality of the most preference was the eastward.Further discussion of the implications of information source usage by prospective sport customers will be discussed.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 參照單位分析觀展滿意度觀展行為特性台北國際旅展Ridit analysisVisitors’ satisfactionTaipei International Travel Fair
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 200812 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
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