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Religion or Tourism? Study of The Tourism Resources In Lungshan Temple
作者 于文正 (WenCheng Hsu)
The Manka Lungshan Temple, constructed in 1737, is not only the major religious center of Guanyin in northern Taiwan but also, due to its aesthetics of temple architecture, an attractive spot visited by large numbers of domestic and overseas tourists. Nonetheless, the Lungshan Temple being both a religious center and a sightseeing spot, its recognition of subjectivity draws careful attention because differences among service recipients surely contribute to different demands.The current paper reviews domestic research pertaining to religious tourism, and posits one important problem regarding a perspective in which religious tourists clarify that there is no discrepancy between devotees and normal tourists, which also reflects on the statistics of tourism and recreation resources that directors of tourism organizations calculate. Therefore, this paper is aimed to explore the statistics methods on tourism and recreation resources of the Lungshan Temple and the meaning of figures in the statistics. In addition to the pretense of formalism found in tourism statistics, it is claimed that there is a need for the development of Taiwan temples’ religious tourism to differentiate devotees from tourists, because domestic research accomplished in the past on religious tourism do not sense this differentiation so that it is hard to make any further practical suggestions on tourism. After differentiating visitors to the Lungshan Temple, this paper analyzes tourism resources of the Lungshan Temple on the basis of the dimensions of supply and demand with the aim of pointing out that tourism resources of the temple, in addition to architecture, relics and festivals, can also include the power to move people, the so-called religious atmosphere created by devotees’ activities. In Taiwan, a temple without devotees may lose its tourism value. Lastly, the paper also analyzes subjectivity which is always maintained by the Lungshan Temple in the relation between religion and tourism, and further indicates that, for the Lungshan Temple or other temples in Taiwan, tourism is an added role besides religion. Promotion of religious tourism should be initiated from the perspective of empathy, which helps managers with coordination of various activities in the temple under the condition that they can maintain religious beliefs instead of suspending the beliefs.
起訖頁 14-41
關鍵詞 觀光資源宗教觀光艋舺龍山寺tourism resourcereligious tourismManka Lungshan Temple
刊名 休閒研究  
期數 200812 (1:1期)
出版單位 國立體育大學創新領導研究發展中心
該期刊-上一篇 臺北國際旅展觀展民眾滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市民運動態度、運動體驗及運動環境滿意度之研究




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