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Symbolism and prominent elements of Spanish culture: an analysis based on Pablo Berger's film Blancanieves
作者 馬里奧
本文旨在探討2012年西班牙著名電影《卡門》(Blancanieves)一片中西班牙文化的獨特象徵與表現手法。在各種聲光特效充斥的年代裡,《卡門》(Blancanieves)卻以復古的黑白默片形式拍攝。這部電影呈現出多種風格和不同層次的西班牙文化。本論文試圖以著名學者史都華‧霍爾(Stuart Hall)的再現、象徵主義和文化認同概念以及琳達‧哈沖(Linda Hutcheon)與韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)的電影改編理論,分析探討《卡門》(Blancanieves)如何展現出西班牙文化的獨特象徵與表現手法,並且審視導演帕布羅貝嘉(Pablo Berger)如何透過敘事及情節安排來突顯強烈的西班牙性(españolidad)。透過這部電影,來自各國的人可以進一步了解西班牙主要傳統文化,如鬥牛和佛朗明哥舞。此外,本文顯示電影與文化密切的關係。文化通過電影展現在觀眾眼前,而電影主題與符號是電影文化的核心部分。導演透過各種電影語言改編了大家耳熟能詳的故事,突顯了西班牙的文化特色與不同層次的象徵意義。
The purpose of this article is to analyze the symbolism and prominent elements of Spanish culture that appear in one of the best Spanish films of the 21st century: Blancanieves. Blancanieves is more than a silent, black-and-white film based on the fairy tale Snow White by the Brothers Grimm. This drama vividly represents and reflects many aspects of the Spanish culture. Based on the notions of representation, symbolism, and cultural identity proposed by the outstanding scholar Stuart Hall and on the theories of film adaptation proposed by Linda Hutcheon and Lawrence Venuti, this article attempts to analyze and explain in detail the symbolism of the different cultural elements that appear in Blancanieves and the Spanishness of Pablo Berger's masterpiece. Through this film, people from different countries can understand more deeply the traditional Spanish culture and some of its most prominent references, such as bulls and flamenco. Furthermore, this article highlights the close relationship between cinema and culture. Culture comes through the cinema to the retina of the public and the themes of the films are a fundamental part of film culture. Through various adaptations of the famous tale, the director exposes the particularities of Spanish culture and different levels of symbolic meaning.
起訖頁 73-92
關鍵詞 《卡門》(Blanicalieves)帕布羅貝嘉(Pablo Berg)象徵主義西班牙文化再現電影改編BlancanievesPablo Bergersymbolism Spanish culturerepresentation film adaptation
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 202010 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-上一篇 語料庫為本之西英中三語研究:關係子句結構之分析




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