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Contrastive Analysis on Relative Clauses in Spanish, English and Chinese: A Corpus-Based Approach
作者 盧慧娟鄭安中
This paper focused on the relative clause of complex sentences with a corpus-based method, using the resources and functions of existing trilingual parallel corpus and single language corpora in Chinese, English and Spanish. It contrasted the structures of relative clauses from syntactic and semantic perspectives with the purpose of assessing systematically the similarities and differences among these three languages. The research results showed (1) The results of the contrastive analysis in the trilingual parallel corpus demonstrated differences in structure when the meanings of sentences held the same across the three languages. Furthermore, the analysis of a single language corpus enabled us to reveal the frequency of uses of certain relative clause structures. (2) The high-frequency ''Object in main clause + Subject in relative clause'' structure, also an early acquired feature for L2 learners, all demonstrated the order of SVO in both main and relative clauses in Spanish and in English. The low-frequency ''O + 0'' structure, also late acquired form for L2 learners, showed OV order in relative clauses. Considering their corresponding structures in Chinese, it is suggested that the farther the distance between the relative subject pronouns and the object of the main clause, the harder it is for L3 learners to comprehend, and vice versa.
起訖頁 49-72
關鍵詞 語料庫為本西班牙語第三語言習得關係子句corpus-basedSpanishthird language acquisitionrelative clause
刊名 外國語文研究  
期數 202010 (31期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院
該期刊-上一篇 解放期小說所反映之「歸返」民族敘事──以「地理性」歸返為例
該期刊-下一篇 象徵主義和西班牙文化的重要元素:以帕布羅貝嘉的《卡門》為例




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