英文摘要 |
Primary vulvar clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of a Bartholin's gland is rare and poorly understood. There is uncertainly regarding effective treatment options. This is the first literature review on this topic. Our patient, a 58-year-old woman complained of a painless lump for 20 years. We initially suspected rectal carcinoma; however, her biopsy report indicated an adenocarcinoma of gynecologic origin. Subsequently, the patient underwent a radical vulvectomy. Analysis indicated a CCC originating from the Bartholin's gland. Adjuvant radiotherapy was subsequently planned. A CCC generally occurs during peri-menopausal years. Malignant transformation of endometriosis within the vulva may be the possible mechanism. Primary treatment includes radical total vulvectomy with inguinal lymphadenectomy (LN). Adjuvant radiation therapy and platinum-based chemotherapy are suggested to minimize risk of recurrence. |