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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Philosophy of Life in the Analects of Confucius and Its Implications for Life Education |
作者 |
陳欣欣、張淑美 |
中文摘要 |
在深受儒家文化影響的華人世界裡,《論語》內涵常引為人們修身處世的憑藉。有鑑於目前儒家思想於生命教育的論述較少,以及尋求眾所熟悉的生活化教材,本文欲藉由探討《論語》生命觀思想,期於生命教育上能有所發揮。首先,從生命觀的三個取向:「生存與生命」、「生活與處世」及「終極關懷與天人合一」去分析《論語》生命觀的內涵;其次,再比較《論語》生命觀與生命教育三大議題領域間的關係;最後,析論《論語》生命觀於生命教育的啟示,分為:「生死議題的關懷」、「應世接物的智慧」,以及「人格心性的修養」。本文認為《論語》中許多蘊涵早已內化至我們的觀念中,對於生命教育強調落實於生活運用,值得從中探索本土生命教育的立論基礎與實踐法門。 |
英文摘要 |
The Analects of Confucius is considered the Chinese classic that can best represent Confucianism. The Chinese people cultivate their moral character and associate themselves with others according to the message of the book. There are very few Confucian studies on life education. Therefore, this study aims to explore the theoretical basis of life education with a special focus on the philosophy of life conveyed in the Analects of Confucius.Three themes are covered in this study: life and existence, life and socialization, and the ultimate concern and the reconciliation between God and man. The implications of these three themes in life education are the concern for the life and death, the wisdom of association with others, and the cultivation of personality and morality. It was found that the nature of this book is a reflection of daily life experiences. Many major ideas have been internalized and expressed in our behaviors and value systems. Therefore, we can foresee a big success in promoting life education in Taiwan if the philosophy of life in the Analects of Confucius is well propagated to the general public. |
起訖頁 |
27-54 |
關鍵詞 |
生命教育、生命觀、孔子、儒家思想、論語、life education、the philosophy of life、Confucius、Confucianism、Analects of Confucius |
刊名 |
生命教育研究 |
期數 |
200906 (1:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
東、西方宗教觀的對比與會通 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
向水深處划去:從陳怡吟的書寫看社工的靈性修養 |