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The Discussion of Traffic Routes in Qi State in Zuo-Zhuan
作者 黃聖松 (Huang Sheng-sung)徐鼎鼎
This article discusses traffic routes in Qi state in Spring and Autumn Period, and it only refers to Zuo-Zhuan. There were five routes in the Qi's capital Linzi, and there were five directions of them: southward, southwestward, westward, northward and eastward. The main road to the south was ''Linzi to Ailing''. It forked to three roads at Ailing, and they were ''Ailing to Tangfu'', ''Ailing to Jiagu (Zhuqi)'' and ''Ailing to Bo''. The first half distance to Zhuke by way of capital Linzi was southwestward. It forked to two roads at Zhuke, and they were ''Zhuke to Mijishan'' and ''Zhuke to Pingyin''. In addition, Pingyin was an interchange of three roads, which were ''Pingyin to Jingzi'', ''Pingyin to Mijishan'' and ''Pingyin to Yangzhou''. The road ''Pingyin to Mijishan'' connected to ''Zhuke to Mijishan''. Gu was on the road by ''Pingyin to Yangzhou'', and the road ''Gu to Shen'' was the way down. ''Linzi to Yuan'' was westward, and ''Linzi to Baogu'' was northward. There were two roads on eastward route. ''Linzi to Mi'' was northbound, and ''Linzi to Dongyang'' was southbound. There was a branch to north down to Zi at Beidian on the way northbound. The first half distance to Dongyang by way of capital Linzi was southwestward. It forked to three roads at Dongyang, and they were ''Dongyang to Tang'', ''Dongyang to Jiegen'' and ''Dongyang to Ju''. There was a branch to southeast down to Wu at Ping on the road ''Dongyang to Ju''.
起訖頁 75-139
關鍵詞 《左傳》春秋齊國交通路線Zuo-ZhuanSpring and Autumn PeriodQi stateTraffic Route
刊名 思與言  
期數 202012 (58:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 1950-1970年代中華民國視野下的亞洲:以《中國學生周報》為研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 幾暇清賞:清代乾隆朝的〈是一是二圖〉




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