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From Bamboo Fence to Arts and Leisure Park: The Example of the Reuse Experience of Victory Village in Pingtung
作者 顧超光
With their unique lifestyles, architectural spaces and community appearances, as well as their social-cultural transformations in history, military dependents' villages have recorded the historical memory of Taiwan for more than sixty years. However, due to the reconstruction policy, most military dependents' villages have already been demolished. In regard to the rapid disappearance of cultural properties in military dependents' villages, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of National Defense agreed to collaborate by undertaking the field reconnaissance and site selection for establishing the National Cultural Parks based on some specific military dependents' villages. On the basis of the previous site selections for the National Cultural Parks of military dependents' villages, this paper focuses on a specific case study which has already achieved the preliminary stage of its own cultural reactivation, the Victory Village in Pingtung City. The historical context, local culture characteristics and the reuse planning of Victory Village are explored in this study. Besides introducing the village’s historical and cultural characteristics, this paper will also probe into the reuse suggestions for six characteristic blocks, especially in promoting the local entertainment, artistic performances, and cultural heritage of each block in its spatial use. According to the proposed criteria on establishing this National Cultural Park, this paper introduces how this village has so far fulfilled its process of reactivation from the primary renovation of its damaged buildings to the improvements made to the general landscape. More importantly, the reactivation schemes aim to promote the revitalization and operation according to everyday life functionality, outfitting the perfect facilities to meet the demands of modern life. After finishing the renovation work on these historical buildings in stages, the village will attract the authorized agencies to develop business, boosting the cultural consumption and enhancing the local prosperity. The Victory Village is gradually becoming a unique locality.
起訖頁 27-52
關鍵詞 眷村再利用歷史建築勝利新村Military Dependents' VillageReuseHistoric BuildingVictory Village
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 2014 (27期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 公有建築文化資產活化再利用的公共性探討:以臺港三個不同的個案為例
該期刊-下一篇 論正體漢字在文化資產保存上的意義與價值




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