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“Historical Facts and Reality”History and the Present Reuse of a Historical German Merchant House in Taiwan: Former Julius Mannich & Co. Merchant House
作者 藍志玟
座落於南臺灣安平一棟所謂的德商東興洋行(Julius Mannich & Co.)歷史建築,由於1980年代臺灣古蹟保存意識高漲而被列為歷史建物。整修完工後,外包交給劍橋旅館公司再利用成為德國餐廳與展示。根據史料,清末在臺灣的德商大多來自北德商業聯盟。在這棟北德商業建築,再利用的配套是南德豬腳,德國西邊的萊茵啤酒等拼湊的德國圖像。而另一項史料表示,此建築可能為英國人所構築,與目前德國式再利用經營有所出入。歷史建築的再利用是否一定要符合史實?本文由一棟所謂北德商人在臺灣所建的洋式建築,再利用成南德風格,又與新史料有出入,介紹臺灣歷史建築再利用,解釋文化在異地再呈現的特性,討論殖民歷史建築,異文化理解的謬誤,史實與事實的鴻溝。
A former German merchant house—Julius Mannich & Co., located in the Anping District of Tainan in southern Taiwan, is a historical merchant building which was established in 1877 and is now listed as one of the city’s heritage sites. Beginning in 2007 the building was remodeled by Cambridge—Hotels Group as a German restaurant, a place where the Taiwanese can enjoy German food and have a German cultural experience. According to historical records, Julius Mannich came from northern Germany as a merchant with ties to the Hanseatic League to trade with Asia at the end of the 19th century. The old German merchant house in Tainan was possibly established by Germans from Hamburg. Over one hundred years later, the building has been remodeled into a restaurant decorated with scenes of southern Germany and offering roast pork knuckles and beers from the Rhine river area in western Germany to entertain visitors—a patchwork of German culture that’s been conveyed throughout this historical building. The possible historical evidence indicates that the building was not actually built by Germans. The reuse of the historical building was just an expression of the common understanding most Taiwanese hold regarding popular aspects of the German culture. It was never intended to be the representation of historical facts. The paper aims to describe the change of the architectural style of a historical building in Taiwan as a case study for a broader suggestion: should reuse of historical buildings necessarily represent their historical facts?
起訖頁 19-31
關鍵詞 文化認同殖民建築臺灣文化德國文化Cultural IdentityColonial ArchitectureTaiwan CultureGerman Culture
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201306 (24期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 再思考建築遺產的保存(保護)與再利用:南京高球場的個案
該期刊-下一篇 南投縣賽德克族傳統織布工藝與Puniri(經挑技法)保存現況:以Seta Iban(張玉英)母女三代為研究對象




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