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Living in a World Heritage City—Bamberg, Germany
作者 藍志玟
於1993年由聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產城的班堡(Bamberg),一直保有中世紀以來的德國農村小鎮特色,當地人不只以保有建築與地景文化而自豪,也以從未斷續的啤酒文化為榮。這座城市不只是世界文化遺產城,也是座大學城,每個角落都有引人入勝的故事。 古蹟保存不只保存歷史過去,也要隨時作調整面對未來。本文藉由班堡的例子看古蹟保存,可以看到德國古蹟保存的態度,不只是歷史的保存,面對時代的更迭與新建設的進駐,老城如何被賦予新的意義與價值。藉此可看到德國人在歷史城區中,因應新的價值時的態度與處理手法。
Bamberg has been listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site since 1993 because it preserves a traditional German village and catholic bishopric dating back over 1000 years. Local people are proud of their traditional architecture and cultural landscape, in addition their beer culture. This is not only a city of world heritage but also a university city. Every corner of the city contains a lot of fascinating stories. Heritage conservation considers not only history—past, but also the future—to adjust to new trends in thinking. Through introducing the world heritage city of Bamberg, this article describes the historical conservation and a German perspective on world heritage and tries to find a new meaning and value for historical sites during the change of conservation thinking and to express the shock of new constructions. How does German deal with the historical site to fit the new trend of thinking?
起訖頁 57-64
關鍵詞 班堡世界文化遺產再利用BambergWorld HeritageReuse
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 從州議會到世界遺產:美國獨立廳的發展歷程
該期刊-下一篇 偽造油畫犯罪者及偽畫拍賣者之刑事責任分析




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