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From State House to World Heritage: the History of the U.S.’s Independence Hall
作者 杜正宇
一處世界地景的形塑,必須與重大的歷史事件結合,以提升其價值。美國獨立廳,見證了獨立宣言與美國憲法的制定、承載著不同世代美國人的集體記憶、象徵建國大業與國家體制之擘畫;自由與平等的理念,更深化為普世價值,超越了時間與國界。 1813年,費城市府購買獨立廳,不僅標示了美國歷史保存運動的開端,也是日後系列保存獨立廳行動的肇始。法國侯爵拉法葉的到訪、獨立紀念50年、艾略特、林肯於國家分裂前的演說、獨立紀念百年、二戰期間愛國主義的思潮,以及獨立紀念兩百年,都不斷增強獨立廳「神聖聖殿」的形象,使獨立廳從賓州走向世界。由州議會變為市政廳、州立公園、國家公園,進而成為世界遺產。 但是,在政府單位努力的背後,我們仍無法忽視民間團體的力量。無論是美國殖民地婦女協會、美國革命之女、賓州歷史協會、美國建築師協會、獨立廳協會等,都在不同的時期,以不同的方式,協助並創造了獨立廳歷史保存的榮景。
For stirring historical values, the formation of a world landscape must be connected with an important historical event. The U.S.’s Independence Hall, which witnessed the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and the signing of the Constitution, is loaded with the collective memory of American generations and symbolizes the founding of a nation and the basis of government. Justice and freedom represent enduring as well as universal principals, whose influences have overcome barriers of time and national boundaries. That Independence Hall bought by the City of Philadelphia in 1813 was a milestone, being not only the beginning of the preservation movement in the United States, but also the start of a series of preservation actions in the Hall. Lafayett’s Visit, 50th Anniversary, Addresses of Everett and Lincoln before the Civil War, the Centennial of the Independence, patriotic thought during World War II, and the Bicentennial all unceasingly gave it the image of a Sacred Shrine and increased its importance to the world. Initially a State House then a City Hall, State Park and National Historical Park, the Hall became a World Heritage site in 1979. However, behind the government’s efforts, we cannot neglect the civil organizations’dedication: the Colonial Dames, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the American Institution of Architects, and the Independence Hall Association. All of them assisted in creating the prospect of preserving Independence Hall in different ways during different periods.
起訖頁 39-56
關鍵詞 文化資產歷史保存世界遺產美國獨立宣言林肯費城古蹟Cultural PropertyHistoric PreservationWorld HeritageAmericaThe Declaration of IndependenceAbraham LincolnPhiladelphiaHistoric Monument
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201112 (18期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 阿里郎的堅持與躍升——韓國文化遺產傳承策略探討
該期刊-下一篇 住在世界文化遺產裡——德國班堡




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