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Study of Traditional Taiwanese Woodworking Planes and their Transition
作者 蘇文清
Because of their ease of operation and variety, traditional Taiwanese woodworking planes have a rich historical background. The effects of China and Western culture, as well as Japanese governance, have resulted in various developments. This work summarises one and half a years of research to collect and classify traditional Taiwanese woodworking planes. We not only analyzed form and configuration but also compiled a wide variety of information about traditional Taiwanese woodworking planes. It was found that the types of traditional Taiwanese woodworking planes were influenced deeply during the Japanese colonial period. However, push stroke planing has been maintained and improved by knocking down the push handle, transforming the technique into pull stroke planing. The common length of the bench plane is from 270 mm to 300 mm. In Taiwanese woodworking planes one blade and chipbreaker fits down into the mouth of the plane. The cutting angle (setting angle) and sharpness angle are 40°~45°and 24°~26°, respectively. The cutting position is near the middle of the plane body. Japanese and Taiwanese groove planes use different methods to fix the blade. That is, the setting angle of the blade is inclined forward for Taiwanese groove planes, while it is inclined backward for Japanese groove planes. Also, the cutting angle of the Taiwanese groove plane is lower , by about 10°than that of the Japanese groove plane, which is set from 38°to 43°. The cutting position and sharpness angle of the rabbet plane is similar to the bench plane, but the rabbet plane has no push handle to operate the plane.
起訖頁 61-72
關鍵詞 木工鉋刀槽鉋邊鉋木工手工具切削角Woodworking PlaneGroove PlaneRabbet PlaneWoodworkingHand ToolCutting Angle
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201109 (17期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 文化資產概念的轉變歷程與認定標準
該期刊-下一篇 於負面遺產中重構創傷記憶──從奧斯維辛博物館到景美人權文化園區




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