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A Study of the Shoring Back Method for the Earthquake Damaged Agou City Gate
作者 黃馨儀張嘉祥施忠賢 (Chung-Hsien Shih)林裕鈞 (Yu-Chun Lin)
The existing Agou ancient city gate suffered damage in the 2006 Hen-choon earthquake. In this earthquake, the upper masonry wall of the west side slid about 2cm with respect to the lower gate vault. To repair this damage, shoring back was suggested by the restoration reviewing committee. This is the fi rst known project to adopt this method for ancient gate restoration in Taiwan and the experience obtained is valuable for future restoration of heritage architecture. In this study we use fi nite element analysis to simulate the part to be shored back and evaluate the force required. The calculated force is 5521kgf, which is close to the actual load applied. In this case, we also found that if the number of displacement transducers could be increased, the recording obtained would be more accurate. In addition the protection of masonry work prior to shoring as well as strengthening it after shoring, which is closely related shoring restoration, need to be specifi cally provided in the restoration drawings and specifi cations.
起訖頁 47-62
關鍵詞 阿緱城門扶正工法古城修復Agou Ancient City GateShoring Back MethodRestoration
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201103 (15期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 蘭嶼原住民聚落之永續傳承價值與可能之保存方式
該期刊-下一篇 傳統灰漿可逆性之初步研究




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