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A Study of Micro-environment Characteristics inside Collection Boxes Made of Different Materials
作者 莊世滋
本研究乃針對木質材料所具有之隔熱保溫及吸脫濕特性,探討應用於博物館文物標本收藏盒時,木質材料對於溫濕度之調節效應,並評估配合調濕材料後,對穩定相對濕度之改善效果,其研究結果如下:由收藏盒之溫濕度調節指數可知,實木類的溫濕度調節能力較佳,無機質材料較差。木質材料收藏盒本身之溫濕度調節性能,有助於盒內微環境之穩定,適合應用在文物標本之存放。配合調濕材料之使用,隨著W/V (調濕材料重量kg/收藏盒容積)比增加,不鏽鋼收藏盒之相對濕度呈曲線減少,直到W/V為3·41kg/m^3時,會趨於平緩。隨著W/V增加,紅檜(Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum)與美國鐵杉(Tsuga heterophylla Sorg)收藏盒之相對濕度有曲線下降,但沒有明顯改善盒內之相對濕度情況。
This study focuses on the thermal insulation and moisture absorption and desorption characteristics of wooden materials used in specimen storage boxes for museum artifacts in regulating temperature and humidity effects, and their effects on the stability of relative humidity with mixtures of hygroscopic-conditioning materials. Its findings are as follows: Judging from the adjusted index of known temperature and humidity in storage boxes for museum artifacts, wood is superior to inorganic materials on the control of humidity and temperature. Wooden storage boxes contribute to the stability of the micro-environment inside the box; consequently, it is suitable for storage of specimens. After the addition of hygroscopic-conditioning materials, as the W / V increases, the reduction of the relative humidity in a stainless steel storage box demonstrates a curve until the W / V is 3.41 kg/m3, after which it becomes flat. As the W / V ratio increases, the Taiwan red cypress (Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum .) and Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla Sorg ) storage boxes decreases the relative humidity, but no significant improvement is obvious.
起訖頁 61-70
關鍵詞 收藏盒微環境調濕能力博物館Storage BoxMicro-environmentHygroscopic-conditioning CapacityMuseum
刊名 文化資產保存學刊  
期數 201012 (14期)
出版單位 文化部文化資產局
該期刊-上一篇 沒食子酸酯類抗氧化劑作為環保型木材保存藥劑之潛力
該期刊-下一篇 台灣工業遺產保存、修復及再利用探討──以台中創意文化園區為例




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