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大江健三郎最新作「奇妙二人組pseudo couple」──嘗試以三部曲的角度來閱讀
Pseudo Couple, the Latest Work of Kenzaburo Oe: Attempt to Read It as Trilogy
作者 小林由紀
大江健三郎在2006年出版了集結「頂替的醜兒」、「面帶愁容的『童子』」、「再見了,我的書!」這三部作品的特裝版「奇妙二人組pseudo couple」。書中還附了一本叫做「長江古義人與小說作者的對話」的作者解說別冊。製作別冊的原因,大江說是來自這三部作品沒有被當成三部曲來閱讀的遺憾,別冊中並觸及作品的書寫創作過程。到目前為止對於三部曲的解釋都集中在被稱為「那件事」的事件上。但大江本人認為三部作品整體的主題是在探討「奇妙二人組」之一的「吾良」他的死究竟為何。本論文由以上觀點試讀這三部作品,在「頂替的醜兒」作品中,特別沒有被提出的「小孩自殺」反而是重點來進行分析。因此,大江對「小孩自殺」有特殊的意義,而去重新定義,我們可以了解貫穿三部作品主題的「吾良之死」與「小孩自殺」的關係也漸漸明白。
In 2006, Kenzaburo Oe issued the special edition titled ”Pseudo Couple” as trilogy subsequent to these three works: ”Goodbye My Book!”, ”The Douji who looks melancholy” and ”Changeling”. It comes with a booklet called ”Dialogue between Kogito Choukou and the novelist”. Oe explains that the reason to attach the booklet was because he felt regrettable that a series of works had not been read as trilogy.While the way of reading the trilogy has always been focused on the incident called ”That one”, Oe mentions that the subject throughout the trilogy is to explore what the death of Goro, one of ”Pseudo Couple” means. In this respect, this thesis focuses on ”Child's suicide”, which is not referred to as the main topic in the work ”Changeling”, in an attempt to read it as trilogy.As a result, it is getting clearer how does ”Child's suicide” - which has been defined again as ”a special meaning” by Oe - relate to the ”death of Goro” - which is the subject throughout the trilogy.
起訖頁 41-65
關鍵詞 Child's suicideKogitoKogiGoroGoblin
刊名 台灣日本語文學報  
期數 200712 (22期)
出版單位 台灣日本語文學會
該期刊-上一篇 日本語文の意味.統語構造への一つのモデル
該期刊-下一篇 芥川龍之介與志賀直哉──「阿律與孩子們」中「某個男人與其姊之死」的影響




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