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Reconsideration on Whether Yizhou is an Ancient Place Name of Taiwan--About Dog Tail and Dog Hairs
作者 謝予騰
Since the Japanese Taiwan period, Zanjiro Ichimura proposed that Yi-zhou in Shen Ying’s Records of the Waters and Land of Linhai consider as ancient Taiwan. After a century of discussion by Western and Eastern scholars, it is still an unclear consensus. With the development of Prehistoric Archaeology to the literature, culture, and history of aboriginal people in Taiwan, reliable materials increasingly clear. Based on the Records of the Waters and Land of Linhai documents in the Book of the Later Han and Imperial Reader, this paper compares the archaeological data and historical documents to distinguish the relation between Yi-zhou and ancient Taiwan. The most critical information comes from the dogs that have lived with the aboriginal ancestors since prehistoric times in Taiwan. The characteristics of the dogs remain in the current archaeological research, and it can examine whether the characteristics of the prehistoric Taiwan dogs are consistent with those of the Yi-zhou dogs in Records of the Waters and Land of Linhai. Besides, dog hairs in weaving are also a shred of substantial evidence to discuss whether Yi-zhou is an ancient native of Taiwan.
起訖頁 79-110
關鍵詞 沈瑩夷州臺灣臺灣犬臨海水土志Shen YingYi-zhouTaiwanTaiwan dogsRecords of the Waters and Land of Linhai
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 202103 (72期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 五井蘭洲《易》學及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 一明二暗三間過的家居美學──讀張愛玲《傳奇》及其他




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