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An Investigation of Human-Land Relationship and Social-Ecological Systems Resilience - A Case on Upstream Shimen Reservoir Catchments Area
作者 孫稚堤
In the past, Catchment Management has seemed to be oversimplified as only the endeavor on upstream water regulation and downstream water supply. Most people believe that typhoon-related issues such as public water supply and flood hazard would be resolved with merely the enhancement of hydrologic engineering and the restriction the upstream development. However, when the water resources are constructed by a certain group of people or from a mainstream thought, the power structure between flat water supply area and upland catchment area will be likely to remain unequal, which further leads to deficiencies and problems. Therefore, the objectives of the study. 1. To research the interactivity between resource, resource users, public infrastructure, public infrastructure providers,internal and external factors by the framework of Social-Ecological Systems. 2. To elaborate the influences of the land ethics and power relations in the land use and health through an analysis of the environmental history context. 3. Furthermore, To reconsider the way in which human beings get along with the land by self-examination towards disasters, as well as to work out sustainable management suggestion adapting to the characteristics of local resources, International trend, and to promote the Social-Ecological Systems Resilience on Upstream Shimen Reservoir Catchments Area.
起訖頁 1-64
關鍵詞 集水區人地關係社會生態系統韌性土地健康CatchmentHuman-Land RelationshipSocial-Ecological SystemsResilience. Land Health
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 202107 (32期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 基於主成分分析的中國大陸房地產金融風險測度




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