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A comparative analysis of the needs of the elderly in the institutional long-term residence and the ''migrants-style'' living environment: an application of the Kano model
作者 黃卓鋮蔡龍銘范浩雨
Nowadays, the integration of pension industry and tourism industry is in the ascendant. This study analyzes diverse psychological needs of the elderly based on ''ERG'' psychological theory. It explores, in two different scenarios of long-term residence in the location of institution and ''migrants-style'' living environment, whether the psychological needs of the elderly will differ in priority and whether the perception and psychological needs of the elderly towards service items will deviate by applying KANO model, to lay a theoretical foundation for the integration of tourism industry and pension industry. Thereinto, regardless of the scenario, the physiological need, respect need and safety need take top priority at all age groups universally. Compared with the scenario of long-term residence in the location of institution, in the scenario of ''migrants-style'' living environment, the SI coefficient of all items of safety need, family affection need and communication need increase significantly, while the DSI coefficient of all items of the physiological need, family affection needs and value need specific to the elderly decrease significantly. Therefore, it is necessary for relevant workers to allocate resources based on different.
起訖頁 149-166
關鍵詞 老年群體KANO模型ERG理論機構長居養老場景候鳥式場景the elderlyKANO model''ERG'' psychological theorylong-term residence''migrants-style'' living environment
刊名 觀光與休閒管理期刊  
期數 202106 (9:1期)
出版單位 觀光與休閒管理期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 遊客體驗行銷、休閒效益與重遊意願之研究:以奇美博物館為例
該期刊-下一篇 戶外休閒活動應用於教學──探索教育活動之課程設計




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