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An Insight into Wang Chang Ling's Five-Character and Seven-Character Poems Selected into Tang Poetry Anthologies in Various Dynasties-Also Discussing the Establishment of Wang's Fame of ''Poet Laureate of the Seven-Character Poem''
作者 邱冠儒
This paper discussed how Wang Chang Ling's poems were selected into Tang poetry anthology over the various dynasties in an attempt to provide a general idea about how Wang's fame of ''Poet Laureate of Seven-Character Poems'' was established. According to a comprehensive review of historical data collected in Tang, Sung and Yuan Dynasties, five-character poems were regarded as the canon of poetry form while seven-character poems were considered less important. This point is judged from the major type of Wang's poems selected into anthology published before Yuan was five-character poem. However, in Gao Bing's Collection of Tang Poetry of the early Ming Dynasty, selection criteria were reversed when litterateurs regarded Wang's seven-character poems as his most distinguished poetry form and started to lose their interests in his five-character poems from then on. In the middle period of Qing Dynasty, selection criteria were changed once again. According to Analogy of Tang Poetry and Criticisms of Tang Poems, both of Wang Chang Ling's seven-character poems and five-character poems were regarded as his most distinguished poetry forms although seven character poems was a little more popular. This article also explore the context of Wang's fame of ''Poet Laureate of Seven-Character Poems'' in an attempt to find out how this title came into existence. According to the research results, a number of litterateurs such as Hu Ying Lin and Xu Xue Yi came up with various titles similar to ''Shengshou''(聖手,Poet Laureate) in the late Ming Dynasty. In Qing Dynasty, litterateurs such as Shen De Qian and Chao Yi continued to introduce various titles related to ''Divine Master.'' Eventually, ''Shengshou'' was officially settled by Pan Te Yu. This is how Wang Chang Ling was entitled as ''Poet Laureate of the Seven-Character Poem''.
起訖頁 35-70
關鍵詞 王昌齡李白五古七絕聖手唐詩選本Wang Chang LingLi BaiFive-Character PoemPoet Laureate of the Seven-Character PoemTang poetry anthology
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 202106 (41期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從《文心雕龍.史傳》論史學之於文學的意義
該期刊-下一篇 從語用觀點論〈東遊六十四日隨筆〉的人物互動──合作原則與禮貌原則




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