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How Historiography Influences Literature-Taking ''Historical Biography'' in Wen Xin Diau Lung as an Example
作者 郭章裕
This article takes Wen Xin Diau Lung as an example to discuss the fusion of historiography and literature. Although the essay and history are different genres in the Six Dynasties, however, it can be found that they, in fact, influence each other. Liu Xie's literary theory work Wen Xin Diau Lung can provide this observation. First, abundant knowledge of history is essential for historians and writers. When writing articles, especially those with a strong application of discussing, writers should make good use of ancient classics to discuss in-depth of their works and to help readers to learn from the past. Second, Liu Xie believed that although the form of biography was originated from Zuo Zhuan whose main function was to explain the auxiliary classics. However, after the work Historical Records, ''history'' and ''biography'' were linked together to form the ''Ji Zhuan'' feature of historical narratives. Although ''Ji Zhuan'' was created for recording historical events, it was written in the styles of narration, preface, praise, monuments,inscriptions and hangs, etc. These styles involved personal narratives and comments. Therefore, the writing requirement of ''precision'' was particularly emphasized. Third, the criticisms and concepts of quality and literature had long been seen in the criticisms of Historical Records by Ban Biao and Ban Chao of the Han dynasty, which distinguishes between the simple of gorgeous expression of the ''language style'' in historical writings. However, this concept of literary criticism was changed into referring the ''content meaning'' as well as ''rhetoric and rhythm'' of literary works. In the same time, Liu Xie also commented on historical writings such as Han Shu and Records of Three Kingdoms with the same terminologies to bring out new aspects. From these three points, it can be concluded that literature and history are merged in the literary theory of the Six Dynasties.
起訖頁 1-34
關鍵詞 六朝史學劉勰文心雕龍史傳Six DynastieshistoriographyLiu XieWen Xin Diau Lunghistorical biography
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 202106 (41期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 王昌齡五古、七絕於歷代唐詩選本梗概抉微──兼論「七絕聖手」之形塑




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